Nora Sarman is a fashion brand specializing in wedding and casual wear. The clothes are made from high-quality, carefully selected materials in the manufacturing-style family workshop.
“Wedding dresses have been my daily inspiration for more than 25 years. My mother’s wedding dress salon accompanied me throughout my childhood. I designed my first clothing collection as a teenager, the fashion show of which was held in the garden of our house. Nora Sarman dresses embody personal ideas about femininity: a stylish mix of airiness, grace and edginess. I do not compromise on quality: it is important to me to choose the finest materials and laces for my clothes. I prefer materials made from natural fibers such as caterpillar silk and cotton.”
Nora Sármán

Nora Sarman dresses are synonymous with feminine expressions. Our goal is to make our clients feel as grown up as possible when they wear one of our pieces. Grace and sophistication are present in every phase of preparation. The clothing designs are made by hand, fantasy takes shape on paper. The world we dreamed up condenses the experience of generations and their conception of femininity. Our pieces include the movements of our grandmother while sewing, our mother’s and aunt’s enthusiasm for fashion, which we witnessed in their salons. It also contains our first fashion shows, which we held in the garden of our house when we were children. Our high school and university art studies, as well as Nóri’s internship year in Paris. Over the years, our experiences and experiences related to fashion became a passion and then a profession, thus the Nora Sarman brand was born.
The family manufactory represents a special value for us, of which we are proud. Handwork brings our clothes to life. During the work phases, our attachment to each piece becomes truly personal. During the preparation of the cutting lines, the selection of materials, sewing and lacing, our imagination creates a connection with reality. As Nóri puts it, this is life itself, the real creation of value. This way, all our clothes will be unique and unrepeatable.
Art history and the great classics are a primary source of inspiration for us. We get inspiration from art albums, galleries and museums. At the same time, we give space to our childish imagination, which guides us into a special fantasy world. We research fairy tales, the strange, the wonderful. While drawing sketches and plans, we let our subconscious guide us.

Nóri graduated from the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts in 2010, her wedding dress collection won the Rector’s Award for the best diploma. She learned wedding dress making as an intern in the Cymbeline design office of one of Europe’s leading bridal fashion houses in Paris, the dress she designed walked the catwalks of Paris, Milan and Barcelona. In 2009, he was a student at the London College of Fashion as an Erasmus scholarship holder. The first collection of the NoraSarman brand was created for the fall-winter 2011 season. In 2013, she received Elle magazine’s Elle Young Talent Award in the fashion designer category, and in 2019 she was awarded the Glamor Women of the Year award as fashion designer of the year. We have already seen her clothes in countless women’s magazines, on celebrities, on the red carpet of the Oscar gala and the Cannes festival.